Class 3 Curriculum
In English lessons we will be learning a new fiction text called ‘I Want My Hat Back’ by Jon Klassen. Ask your child to retell the story to you after the first week of term! We will use the story as inspiration to write our own lists and letters to the characters. Our grammar focus during this unit will be question marks and introducing speech through speech bubbles for Year 1s and inverted commas for Year 2s.
Year 1 Maths Our maths lessons will begin with the topic of place value to 20. We will understand tens and ones, finding one more and one less and comparing numbers. We will then move on to addition and subtraction to 20.We will explore adding and subtracting numbers using our number bonds and our related facts knowledge.
Year 2 Maths Our maths lessons will continue to look at subtraction and addition and multiplication and division through the Oak School Academy NCETM mastery approach, where children gain a deep understanding of number.
This half term, our Theme will learn about the history of Highfield Primary. Our enquiry skills will include comparing photographic evidence, studying maps and interviewing members of the school community. We will be looking at what was here before Highfield Primary school, how the school grounds have changed over time and how the uniform has changed over time. Request! We would appreciate if anybody was able to share any evidence of Highfield Primary from the past such as photos showing uniform that might be different to now or items used in school that are less common now. We are happy to take photos or photocopies of resources rather than keep them. |
In science this term, we will be learning all about properties of materials. Reinforcing the difference between an object and a material, as well as looking into how physical forces affect materials. We will explore our questions through the 5 areas of science enquires by working scientifically, using the science planning tool ‘Discovery Dog’ We will learn about the language we can use to describe materials such as transparent, opaque and rigid.
In RE lessons we will study what makes a place sacred with references to special places related to Christianity, Islam and Judaism.
Our computing learning will involve using our computational thinking skills to control robots such as BeeBots, ProBots and Codapillars. Children will program them to navigate a course using directional language to understand that computers follow instructions systematically and exactly.
Gymnastics is the focus of Class 2 indoor PE sessions where will we use animals as our inspiration for our movement and routines. For Classes 3 and 4 our indoor PE will be dance with Miss Bullen. In KS1 outdoor lessons we will learn throwing, catching and movement skills related to a range of sports including basketball and hockey.
In PSHE we will learn about how to keep ourselves safe. This includes key messages regarding who to turn to in times of need, recognising dangers in the wider world and ensuring we know what is healthy for our bodies.
In Art we will be looking at crafts and craftspeople. We will focus on the art of stained glass and recreate stained glass windows using collage skills. We will use an array of examples from work at St Clements to looking at some modern pieces.
In DT we will be making puppets related to the characters of Jon Klassen books. This learning is related to mechanical movements and will also link to our science topic of materials.
This term in music, the children will be exploring how sounds can be produced in different ways using voices and instruments. They will listen to a variety of music including Flight Of The Bumblebee and William Tell Overture, and will begin to recognize how composers use dynamics, tempo and timbre to bring a character or theme to life! |