Highfield Primary School

Consideration Aspiration Responsibility Enjoyment

Bridgenorth Avenue, Urmston, Manchester, M41 9PA


0161 748 6096

Class 9 Curriculum


Below you will find more information and detail about what will be covering over this half term.

Autumn 1 2024

Below you will find more information and detail about what will be covering over this half term.



Number and place value.

This will include representing numbers up to 1 million, comparing and ordering numbers (including negative numbers), rounding numbers and using Roman Numerals. Each unit will have an initial focus on fluency which will then lead into problem-solving and reasoning activities.  


Writing this half term will be inspired by texts based around the theme of ‘Journeys and Migration’. We will be reading ‘The Odyssey’ by Gillian Cross and ‘Windrush Child’ by Benjamin Zephaniah. Through the units we will have the opportunity to complete short-burst writing opportunities, including writing: speeches, adverts, poems and informal letters. Our extended pieces of writing will include a journey story and a persuasive pitch.

In SPAG lessons, we will be looking at identifying and using subordinate clauses and relative clauses. We will then be focusing on identifying different word classes within sentences e.g. subject, object, determiner, preposition.     

Reading- We will begin to read 'Holes' by Louis Sachar. 

  Remember- Spelling Shed is a fantastic resource to use at home to support your  child with their spellings

Spelling lists can be found here.



Our first unit is all about Natural Disasters. We will use atlases and maps to draw comparisons between areas commonly affected by natural disasters; including volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and tsunamis, as well as develop an understanding of what causes these devastating events to occur.



Year 5- ‘My school, my  subject’- we will be learning the  names of different school subjects and  talking about the school day.  

Year 6- ‘Everyday life’- we will be learning how to tell the time and talk about our daily routines.




We will be exploring the question, ‘Why do some people think God exists?’, where we look at a number of key questions including: How many people believe in a God? What do people think God looks or acts like? Why do people believe or not believe in a God? Do all believers share the same ideas about God?




We will be learning about light, focusing on our big question- how can we keep ourselves visible when walking in the dark? Through the unit we will be learning about how light travels and how we can identify different light sources. We will also be completing investigations about shadows.




Our first computing unit focuses on flat-file databases. We will be looking at how flat-file databases can be used to organise data in records. We will create graphs and charts to help solve problems and we will use a real-life database to present work to others.  



Our first unit focuses on the use of technology within music. We will be seeing how technology is used when creating music, and can we always tell the difference between live and digital sounds?



Our first unit in PSHE is ‘Me and My Relationships.’ We will begin with a unit on relationships, supporting a positive transition back into school.  We will look at the importance of negotiation and compromise, conflict resolution, building self-esteem, respect and friendships.

Physical Education

Indoor PE will be Dance

Outdoor PE will be Football



Our lessons will be linked to our theme work about natural disasters. We will look at Pompeii and focus on the artifacts that have been preserved over time, including their purposes and also the materials they were made from. We will aim to recreate a piece of pottery from that era. 



During DT Day, we will focus on earthquake zones and the study of buildings in those areas. We will then be designing and constructing our own structures which would hopefully withstand the force of an earthquake!






Bridgenorth Avenue, Urmston, Manchester, 

Contact Us

Bridgenorth Avenue, Urmston, Manchester, M41 9PA

0161 748 6096
