Nursery in the Autumn Term
Welcome to Highfield Nursery.
We have had a wonderful first half term; the children have settled in so well and we are really proud of how they have adapted to their new environment, made friends and engaged in learning! Next half term our main topics are Autumn/Winter and Celebrations. We will be finding out about different festivals, such as Bonfire Night, Advent and Christmas. For details of this half term’s objectives for learning please look at the notice board under the veranda or visit the nursery page on the school website.
As part of our personal, social, and emotional development we will be exploring and celebrating our families and how we grow and change! It is important for the children to talk about their special people and recognise the differences within and amongst families. To support our learning please can we ask you to upload a photograph of your child as a baby with a special person or family members to our email address for them to share and talk about.
As well as this, our exciting outdoor learning includes looking for seasonal changes and experiencing play in different weather conditions. We encourage the children to put on their own outdoor clothing and to make an attempt at fastening zips and buttons. Please reinforce this at home to help your child towards greater independence. We aim to get outside as much as possible and take part in ‘Welly and Wetsuit play!’ on ‘Welly Wednesday’.
We will also enjoy listening to a wealth of stories and rhymes. This half term we will have a particular focus on reading 'Penguins Can't Fly', 'Stickman', 'Giraffes Can't Dance' and 'Ridiculous!'.
And singing...
Read Write Inc. Phonics
In the Autumn term we will be focusing on children's listening skills. We will be playing lots of sounds games, such as listening for common sounds in the environment, spotting rhyming words and initial sounds.
Once we have developed these skills we will begin learning our Set 1 sounds in the Spring term.
If you follow this link, it will take you to a brilliant video of a young child demonstrating how to correctly pronounce the Set 1 sounds that we have learnt.
Below are the RWI phrases that we use to support letter formation. Again, we will begin these in the Spring term. We will spend lots time in the Autumn term developing fine and gross motor skills in readiness for name writing practice.
Here is an outline of a day in nursery...
8.30 - 8.45
We find our names outside and enter the classroom
8.45 - 9.00
We say 'Good Morning' and talk about the weather and what we are learning about that day!
9.00 - 10.15
We can independently explore the indoor and outdoor provision. We can role-play, create, mark-make, build and much more throughout all our different areas. This is also the time when we will do a focused activity based on our weekly learning outcomes too!
10.15 - 10.30
We sit down in a circle to do relaxation, we have a
short circle time session and have our snack!
10.30 - 11.10
We all go outside to explore the outdoor provision
11.10 - 11.30
We come back inside to sit on the carpet and have a
story or a whole-group activity.
11.30 - 12.15
Some of us will have our lunch now and some of us
will go home!
In the afternoon we have the same routine but
different activities!
Below is an overview of our learning intentions for your child's year in Nursery:
Here are some of the nursery rhymes that we learn and sing throughout the year.
Take a listen and learn at home.
When Goldilocks Went To The House Of The Bears