Highfield Primary School

Consideration Aspiration Responsibility Enjoyment

Bridgenorth Avenue, Urmston, Manchester, M41 9PA


0161 748 6096

Curriculum Vision



At Highfield Primary School we have developed a curriculum built on current research to support children to remember the curriculum content in future years.  Our knowledge based curriculum is designed to ensure that knowledge and understanding builds over time allowing children to create clear links in their learning. Through delivering an immersive curriculum, children will be able to draw upon their wider range of prior knowledge to create a deeper understanding of their learning.

We provide this by ensuring high expectations through challenge, questioning, nurture and motivating experiences. We nurture the children to become good citizens (school motto: CARE and mantra:  Ready Respectful Safe that leave with the knowledge and skills required for the wider world. We ensure children can enquire, self-reflect, and make connections in order to give them the confidence to make decisions and enhance their cultural capital and know about life beyond Highfield.

 We believe that providing our children with a curriculum that is hands on, inspiring and engaging is key as it creates memorable learning.  All children should enjoy learning and be passionate about what they are doing.

Children will always be given the chance to share their learning and articulate their achievements in order to feel success.



At Highfield, we believe:

  • Every child can succeed
  • That first quality teaching makes the difference
  • That our curriculum is informed by evidence and research
  • In working with all stakeholders, we create an exciting diverse, challenging and robust curriculum which meets the needs of all of the children in our school.


We believe our curriculum design and delivery leads to improved teaching and learner outcomes, which impacts positively on children’s life chances.

Evidence shows that pupils make more progress when they have been equipped to master a subject by understanding its fundamental concepts in sufficient depth so that they can apply subject knowledge in unfamiliar contexts. Our commitment is to empower and equip the teaching staff to provide high quality subject teaching, through curriculum collaboration and integrated professional development, in order to develop our children's subject mastery. 

From KS1 we teach individual subjects such as History, Geography, Science, Art and RE. We treat each subject separately so that pupils have a very clear understanding of what is important about each subject and that their knowledge and skills progress systematically over time in each area of the curriculum. Foundation subjects plans have been constructed to ensure not only do they meet the requirements of the National Curriculum but support the delivery of a comprehensive and challenging curriculum which will ensure pupils gain a rich knowledge of the world in which they live. It will also provide experiences such as educational visits, topic days, our immersive curriculum environment and extra curricular opportunities, to help them make sense of it and build the confidence to make judgments on what they see.  Meaningful cross-curricular links are included between the subjects where they are beneficial to our pupils’ learning.



Pupils leave Highfield Primary School with a secure understanding of the academic content; with the understanding of how to be socially, morally, spiritually and culturally responsible and aware; how to make positive contributions to society.  Through development of a growth mindset they demonstrate resilience, perseverance and willingness to have a go.  We aim for all of our children to leave Highfield demonstrating CARE and being Ready, Respectful and Safe.


At Highfield we are immensely proud of our curriculum and the journey we take our pupils on. 



Contact Us

Bridgenorth Avenue, Urmston, Manchester, M41 9PA

0161 748 6096
