Highfield Primary School

Consideration Aspiration Responsibility Enjoyment

Bridgenorth Avenue, Urmston, Manchester, M41 9PA


0161 748 6096




At Highfield we believe History is concerned with the behaviour of people in the past and how it has impacted on or influenced all aspects of our lives today. It is the study of how humans and their environment have evolved and developed and the impact this has had on succeeding eras. A study of the past puts the present into context.

We view Geography as a tool of learning and communication. Geography is essentially about the study of places (including how they change over time), the human and physical processes which shape them, and the people who live in them. We believe in the importance of developing Geographical enquiry skills through quality Geography teaching, to help pupils make sense of their local surroundings as well as the wider world.


In History we aim to help pupils:


  • Develop an understanding of how we learn about the past using primary and secondary sources of information.
  • Develop historical enquiry skills, which help pupils to pursue lines of historical enquiry, when using sources or information to find out about the past.
  • Develop an interest in the past.
  • Understand that the past is different from the present.
  • Acquire skills, knowledge and attitudes that will help them understand the present in the light of past events.
  • Recognise that the life we live today (in terms of our local history, as well as global history) has been shaped by events of the past.


In Geography we aim to help pupils develop:


  • Knowledge and understanding of places and themes including patterns and processes.
  • Geographical skills, including enquiry, use of maps/atlases, reasoning, information processing and creative evaluation.
  • Geographical attitudes and values.
  • A sense of identify and understanding of local Geography through learning about the UK and its relationships with other countries.
  • Thinking skills, through emphasis on the process of geographical enquiry and helping pupils to evaluate information and reflect on their own work.
  • Communication through learning to talk knowledgeably and accurately about geographical matters, participating in discussions and debate about contemporary geographical issues, and presenting information and ideas about places and environments in maps and diagrams as well as in words.




The teaching of history and geography at Highfield takes place during 'Theme' lessons. Our themes act as overarching lines of enquiry, within which children are taught a series of discrete history or geography lessons. This allows children to develop and hone investigative skills that deepens their understanding of a period of history or a geographical concept.


A two-year rolling program has been devised to allow for an even coverage of history and geography lessons across the phase. 

Within EYFS, activities are designed according to the Early Years Outcomes.

History and Geography in both Key Stages are delivered in line with the 2014 National Curriculum with specific historical and geographical skills being developed through different themes of learning throughout the year.


In the Foundation Stage, children learn about History and begin to develop historical enquiry skills through the area of Learning and Development concerned with ‘Understanding the World’. Children are supported in developing the knowledge, skills and understanding that help them to make sense of the world.

Historically, children are encouraged by staff to become increasingly aware of things that happened in the past and to talk about how things are different / have changed.

To develop a geographical understanding they are encouraged by staff to become increasingly aware of their environment and things which feature within it: people, buildings, nature. Children are given opportunities to explore and investigate ‘their world’ through a range of activities, indoor and outdoor.

Within KS1, children begin to gain a historical and geographical understanding of their recent history and immediate locality, as well as exploring the impact of key historical figures on life today and key similarities between their surroundings and differing locations.

The curriculum has been designed to deliver the teaching of history lessons in a chronological order throughout Key Stage 2, with geographical themes placed in between. This sequential approach improves the children’s concept of continuity and transition between the historical periods, and the impact each era had on the next.

The curriculum has also been designed to provide children with a deepened geographical and historical understanding of their locality.


Long Term Plans and Progression

Computing long term plans and progression documents can be found  on our Curriculum Overview page using the following link:


School policies including those related to this subject can be found using the following link:

Contact Us

Bridgenorth Avenue, Urmston, Manchester, M41 9PA

0161 748 6096
