Highfield Primary School

Consideration Aspiration Responsibility Enjoyment

Bridgenorth Avenue, Urmston, Manchester, M41 9PA


0161 748 6096

science enrichment

At Highfield we aim to find ways to enrich our school curriculum through clubs, event days and other opportunities.


Science Week 2022

The competition focus this year was on 'GROWTH' 

During science week, each child was given two sunflower seeds to grow at home to see who could grow the tallest sunflower. 

Amazing sunflower progress pictures are starting to come in!

Remember, the closing date is Friday 15th July!

Send a photo of your sunflower next to your child and with the measurements to Mrs Hartley at:




Other Activities and Opportunities:

Whole school biscuit dunking investigation - Each phase had a question to investigate e.g Which are better dunkers; plain digestives or chocolate digestives? 

Does the thickness of a biscuit affect how many times it can be dunked?

Does the sugar content of a biscuit affect how many times it can be dunked?

We all had so much fun investigating our question; making predictions; ensuring we had a fair test and choosing the best way to record our results.

Which biscuits do you think would make the best dunkers?

The Science 'Zoomed in' Quiz - We all had so much fun looking at so many 'zoomed in' pictures and trying to work out what they were - some were really tricky!



The Great Science Share 2022:

Highfield's Annual 'Big Science' Playground Draw 

This is our opportunity to think about science, talk about science, and share some science.

All pupils from Nursery to Year 6 went outside in the glorious sunshine to draw and talk about their ideas to celebrate their learning in Science over the year.  The children worked so enthusiastically to share their knowledge through their diagrams and models and it was so lovely to see the children telling their grown-ups at the end of the day, what they had been up to. 


Contact Us

Bridgenorth Avenue, Urmston, Manchester, M41 9PA

0161 748 6096
